A good wedding planner requires many set of skills such as,
1. Stay calm: A good wedding planner must stay calm during the entire wedding functions from Sagai to Bidai as the functions can be too messy as on a wedding where 100 people are RSVP’d 200 arrive and there is shortage of food or sitting space or the flower vendors are late that’s where comes the role of a planner as they should know how to deal with such kind of problems.
2. Good communication skills: A wedding planner should have good communication skills and should be confident as they have to deal with many kinds of situations such a workers not working properly or bride or the groom are stressed out.
3. Presentable: a good wedding planner must be presentable as they have to carry out the whole wedding and its following functions, because no one wants a dull looking person to be planning their wedding, a wedding planner should be charming and polite so that people/workers etc who are being managed during the wedding actually listen to the planner and follow the orders.
4. Punctual: Punctuality is the most important thing for a wedding planner as the Pandit decides the Moohrat for the wedding and each and every function should be held a proper timing or else it will create a chaos among the parents of the couple and the guests arrived.
5. Business management/budget management: A the most important thing to be a successful wedding planner is to manage the budget of the whole wedding which requires a great set of money management as a wedding requires many different kind of expenses from flower vendor to mandap decoration till bidai a good wedding planner should have a whole layout of approx. expenses ready as per the budget of family because it takes a great deal to wed people of lower budget to higher budget.